Collection quests were added in Rain of Fear and for three expansions, part of the rewards for those quests are placeable items (i.e. house items). The rewards with house items also unlocks a "player flag" that allows you to buy as many of the reward items as you want from the Excavator in the market hut of the neighbourhoods. The rewards, granted or bought, are fully tradable. You can give them to friends, trade them between accounts, or even sell them in the bazaar. Completing all the collections also gives you additional non-placeable items like large inventory bags and the ability to use personal trophies in addition to the XP or AA from completing each collection. But, it's the house items I'm really interested in and the purpose of this post.
Many collectibles are ground spawn, appearing as a ball of glowing light. Some are also drop items. Some require completing heroic content. All collection items can also be obtained from completing some of the Overseer quests (12 hour Diplomacy, Trade, and Exploration). The Overseer quests will give 1-2 fragments of which 4 combine to be a collection item of your choice. Most item collections require 8 collectibles.
The individual screenshots are from the preview window from the reward preview, but, now that I have completed all the collections, there are group pictures at the top of each page (with a female rogue for size comparison). For very dark items on the black preview background, I have lighten the screenshot to make the items more viewable. You can use the View Reward button on the Achievement window in game to twist and turn the items to see other angles. Or, if you want to see the items yourself (including a few items from the citadel), 102 Guild Way in Cedar Country Meadows on the Firiona Vie server has them all on display.
For more information on the collection quests, i.e. where to get the collectibles, etc. including a link to a Google doc to track your collecting:
Rain of Fear
Only the final reward for collecting all the Rain of Fear collections includes house items, all with a bit of an "evil" or undead theme. There are several collections in each of the zones for a total of 50 collections with items with also groups of collections to get to the final group of collections. Each quest completion comes with XP or AA and some with other items (level 100 weapons, augments, etc.), too, but it is a lot of collection bits to get the final house item rewards. You do get multiples of each of the items in the reward as well as the player flag to buy more. There are a total of 8 house unique items from these collections.
Rain of Fear house item screenshots
Master Scavenger of Fear
- Thule Dead Tree
- Thule House Squat Building Pillar
- Thule House Spear Building Pillar
- Thule House Spike Building Pillar
- Thule House Slim Building Pillar
- Thule House Thick Building Pillar
- Sepulcher Cage Open Horizontal
- Sepulcher Cage Open Vertical
Call of the Forsaken
This is the expansion with the most house items as collection rewards. Four collection quests with items are grouped to a quest that gives house item rewards with 1 or 4 of those quests grouped to another quest that gives even more items. Each of the quests also gives XP or AA. You only get singles of the items with the player flag to buy more. There are a total of 60 house unique items from these collections.
Call of the Forsaken house item screenshots
Worlds Apart
Complete Less is More.
- Ornate Stone Coffin
- Dingy Iron Coffin
- Pillaged Iron Coffin
- Decorative Blind Dreamer
- Damaged Blind Dreamer
- Absurdly Large Rock Formation
- Large Rock Formation
Less Is More
Complete 4 item collections in heroic quests from Ethernere Tainted West Karana, Neriak Forth Gate, and Bixie Warfront: Missing Mementos, Miniature Meals, Military Missives, Matronymic Markers, Miraculous Mixtures.
- Decorative Trough of Ornamental Coins
- Decorative Strongbox of Ornamental Coins
- Empty Wine Rack
- Stocked Wine Rack Azia
- Stocked Wine Rack Beza
Look Into the Future
Complete Rotten Remains.
- Noblewoman Statue
- Royal Officer's Chair
- Royal Officer's Side Table
- Royal Officer's Weapon Rack
- Under-equipped Soldier Statue
- Wine Barrel
- Wine Bottle
Rotten Remains
Complete 4 item collections in Tower of Rot: Tools to Build a Tower, Makeshift Materials, Unnatural Life, and Explorers’ Relics
- Ancient Soldier's Seat
- Ancient Stone Brazier
- Rotting Barrel
- Rotting Plank
- Rotting Plank Stack
Separate Ways
Complete Burning Bibelots
- Decorative Beer Glass
- Ornate Platter
- Ornate Serving Plate
- Ornate Stone Candleabra
- Rusted Frying Pan
- Rusted Pot
- Simple Decorative Candle
Burning Bibelots
Complete 4 item collections in Argin-Hiz: Argin-Hiz Treasures and Elddar Texts (ground spawn in the buildings), Remnants of Flame (drops from animals in the front of the city), Fiery Beauty (ground spawn in the mines and drops in heroics).- Crude Grellethian Decoration
- Decorative Clockwork Lillies
- Scuffed Stone Campfire
- Simple Padded Sack
- Simple Stone Brazier
- Stout Forestial Pine
- Tall Forestial Pine
Hearing the Call
- Banner of the Indigo Brotherhood
- Banner of the Priests of Innoruuk
- Banner of the Darklight Sun Banner of the Darklight Moon
- Perfect Replica of Naythox's Throne
- Perfect Replica of Cristanos' Throne
The Source of the Ethernere
Complete 4 item collections Ethernere Tainted West Karana, all ground spawn: Scattered Civilization, Geological Discoveries, Ethernere Remnants, and Influence of the Ethernere
- McMannus' Fishing Hut
- McMannus' Fishing Palafitte
- Irregular Banner of the Guard
- Irregular Weapon Rack of the Guard
Dead Relics
Complete 4 item collections in Dead Hills instances, grounds spawn and drops: Plaguebringer’s Chosen (Gribble Grobblenobbe), The Spared (Skulk the Madaxe), Kyle’s Cadre (Captain Russell Cooper), Remnants of the Unlucky (drops in all)
- Excavator's Makeshift Table
- Excavator's Broken Makeshift Table
- Excavator's Makeshift Chair
- Excavator's Broken Makeshift Chair
Bixie Hive Hodepodge
Complete 4 item collections in Bixie Warfront instances, ground spawns and drops: Eager Entomology (Snazlieu the Shadow), Loathsome Leftovers (Naturalist Yrelia), Prolific Pollinators (Ambassador Crizlynas), Acquired Armaments (drops in all)
- Wet River Warfront Catapult
- Perfect Replica of Selo's Drum
- Stone Hive Ornamental Table
- Stone Hive Hanging Coccoon
The Darklight Palace
Complete 4 item collections in Neriak Fourth Gate, ground spawns: Neriak Book Club, Treasures of Neriak, Fourth Gate Flora & Fauna, Royal Weaponry
- Darklight Palace Sofa
- Darklight Palace Chair
- Darklight Palace Ottoman
- Darklight Palace Treasure Chest
The Darkened Sea
The last expansion with house item rewards for collections. Like Call of the Forsaken, there are house item rewards for groups of collection item quests. Each of the quests also gives XP or AA. Like Call of the Forsaken, you only get singles of the items with the player flag to buy more. There are a total of 39 house unique items from these collections.
Darkened Sea house item screenshots
See the Darkened Sea
Complete 4 groups of collections each with 4 item collections: Riding the Storm Out, Secrets Beneath the Ocean, Island Fragments, Cavern Collectibles- Mensil Cil Mentis Azia
- Mensil Cil Mentis Beza
- Decras Cil Mentis
- Cathiras Cil Mentis
- Thetricas Cil Mentis
Riding the Storm Out
Complete 4 item collections in Tempest Temple: Articles of Ambition, Subtle Extinction, Preserver's Prizes, Ritualistic Remains
- Decorative Green Shrub
- Decorative Amethyst Shrub
- Decorative Daffodil Shrub
Secrets Beneath the Ocean
Complete 4 item collections in Katta Castrum: Deluge: Waterlogged Tomes, Seabed Treasures, Shissar Armory, Katta Castrum Mementos
- Pillar of Katta Castrum
- Ornate Square Pedestal of Katta Castrum
- Ornate Pedestal of Katta Castrum
- Decaying Spire of Katta Castrum
Island Fragments
Complete 4 item collections in Brother Island: Beachcomber's Booty, Dropped Detritus, Itching Insects, Island Sands
- Sturdy Rucksack
- Extinguished Campfire
Cavern Collectibles
Complete 4 item collections in Caverns of Endless Song: Subaqueous Seashells, Dearly Beloved, The Endless Song, Remnants of the Enraptured
- Decorative Azurite
- Decorative Amethyst
- Decorative Citrine
- Decorative Ruby
- Statue of Silisia
The Deep Darkened Sea
Complete 4 groups of collections each with 4 item collections: Far, Wide and Deep, Dwarven Depths, The Lost of This Land, Arx Anthology
- Scirniscia Cil Mentis
- Lectarin Cil Mentis
- Arc Vanitas Cil Mentis
- Loricilun-Ornia Cil Mentis
Far, Wide and Deep
Complete 4 item collections in Combine Dredge: Cruelty T'Vyl, Dredging Drudgery, Twenty Leagues, Armatalium Odalia
- Sigil of Arx Mentis
- Combine Artifact Azia
- Combine Artifact Beza
- Combine Artifact Caza
Dwarven Depths
Complete 4 item collections in Degmar, the Lost Castle: Comfort in the Deep, Keep Keepsakes, Tools of the Assassins, Keepsakes of the Murdered
- Salvaged Decor Azia
- Salvaged Decor Beza
The Lost of This Land
Complete 4 item collections in Thulaisaur Island: Empty Nest, Our Fading History, The Faceless' Forgotten, The Last Boat
- Jungle Birch
- Sunglow Fir
- Tall Sunglow Fir
- Carmine Fir
- Tall Carmine Fir
Arx Anthology
Complete 4 item collections in Arx Mentis: Apprentice's Accoutrements, Ascendant's Afterthoughts, Articles of Animation, Actualized Accounts
- Codex Cil Mentis Azia
- Codex Cil Mentis Beza
- Codex Cil Mentis Caza
- Codex Compendus Azia
- Codex Compendus Beza