Everquest Novice: Leaving the Gloomingdeep Mines (and getting to Plane of Knowledge)


This walk-through is intended for the brand new player (or the returning player) who has been doing the tutorial in the Gloomingdeep Mines (highly recommended for new or players returning after a long hiatus).

Once you have finished the quests in the Mines, or even before, you will likely want to leave the Mines and go into the rest of Norrath. There are four methods to do so.

Taking the Tunnel from Gloomingdeep Mines

 The easiest way to leave the Mines is to use the Tunnel that's behind one of the waterfalls (screenshot above). You'll need to confirm you really want to leave but as soon as you do... Loading, please wait.

When you leave through tunnel, you will appear in the grove outside of the city of Crescent Reach (in the zone, Crescent Reach). Emissary Tinnvin will continue with some low level quests, so go ahead and give her a hail.


Remember that piece of paper you got when you created your character? If you haven't done so already, now would be a good time to read it. (If you have an All Access account and selected a different starting city than Crescent Reach, the summons will be for someone in the city you selected. You will need to find them on your own 😋)

The person you're looking for is in this part of the zone, the Dragon's Grove. The person will differ depending on your class. 

Ease on down the road until you see the house.  Inside you will see Guildmasters and merchants for every class.

Hand in the summons to the guildmaster for your class. Then check out the skill improvements they have to offer (just like a merchant). You can also check out when you might get some new skills, too. Be sure to check our the spell, song, or tome sellers for your class, too. Not all items for levels 1-10 are sold in the Mines. You might have a few more you can get. 

Leaving the house with the guildmasters, look for the entrance to the city. There are 3 doors o

As soon as you enter the city, go to the right and bind your soul. This will avoid problems later after you level up and die or try to 'gate' and your bind point is in the Mines. 

There are soulbinders in serveral areas in the world plus caster classes have a spell to bind you to a location, too. It's best to bind close to where you are adventuring so you don't have very far to travel to get back to it. 

Getting to Plane of Knowledge from Crescent Reach

You can adventure in Crescent Reach before you go to Plane of Knowledge or PoK. PoK is also called New Tannan in lore, just to be confusing, but usually it's referred to as Knowledge or PoK.

To get to Knowledge you'll need to do a small bit of travel. In the main downstairs area of Crescent Reach City look for the signs to The Hollows and Brightfire Moors. The Hollows is a low-level (sub 20) adventuring area that most of the low-level quests in Crescent Reach (the starting city for Serpent's Spine) will send you to. Brightfire Moors is the next area up in the Serpent's Spine progression. It is also where the travel stone to PoK is. You can get there safely even at level 1.

When you come out of the tunnel to the Hollows, you will see the pillars leading to Brightfire Moors. Cross the bridge, go through the pillars, and keep on going until Loading, please wait...

Hug the right side and go around the hill to the right until you see a book on a pedestal. (There are high teens mobs, some of which are aggressive just down the hill to the left, avoid them if you're not in the teens yet 😋)

This is the travel to PoK stone. Most of the stones in the world look like a book on a pedestal of some type. Click it and Loading, please wait...

And you will be in Plane of Knowledge. (The 24th anniversary is in progress while taking the screenshot, normally the tent and NPCs in it, nor the decorations around the zone, are there). To the righ you will see Secalna. If your character is below level 10, can send you back into the Mines. She also has more tutorials along with a few refresher ones you already saw in the mines. But, you can go to her at any time to get a refresher. Doing the quests and tutorials she offers also gives you an achievement and some rewards. (Her tutorials were added to the game before Gloomingdeep Mines, so there is some overlap between them.)

If you click on the Crescent Reach stone behind you...

... it will take you back to the Blightfire Moors PoK book.

For some highlights of the Plane of Knowledge: https://rijacki-game.blogspot.com/2023/04/everquest-plane-of-knowledge-highlights.html

Throne of Heroes

The other way to leave Gloomingdeep Mines (or travel from any zone) is the Throne of Heroes. This is a special ability you need to select from the Alternate Abilities (AA) but every character gets it from level 1.

Press the V key to bring up the AA window. Scroll down on the Special tab. Select Throne of Heroes and make a Hotkey. Put the key on one of your Hotkey bars and click it. Loading, please wait...

The Throne of Heroes will take you into the Guild Lobby at the base of a throne facing a corridor. Guild Lobby is a place that many will gather to get buffs and other stuff. There's also merchants, Soulbinders, Corpse Summoners, Bankers, doors to Guild Halls, and a gate to the player housing Neighbourhoods. But all that is stuff you can explore later. For now, go forward down the corridor, zig-zag around a bit of a wall to the tunnel to the door.

This is the exit to Plane of Knowledge (PoK). Click on the door. Loading, please wait...

Ta-da! PoK (and another spot a lot of characters tend to congregate).

If you open your map and do a find on the Tutorials gal...

... you can see where you are in relation to where the PoK stone from Crescent Reach took you.