EQ TLP Diary: Crafted Cultural Armor or how important is Deity with Race and Class? (including starting cities for race/class/deity) (Oakwynd pre-launch)


For most of character creation and game play, especially in later expansions on Live servers, what deity your character follows isn't a significant factor in game play. There are a few faction "hits" based on the deity and starting city but most of those can be mitigated by other factors and/or by specific faction-based actions (such as questing and killing). However, for items that are aimed at "cultural" aspects rather than just race and class, the deity of your character matters. Since TLP servers don't have the later additions to make the culture-based items irrelevant, this matters more on a TLP than Live. For some races, too, especially humans and half-elves, the deity of the character also governs the choices of starting city and even the location in that starting city (for those with more than one zone in the city). 

NOTE: On Oakwynd, those items which are No Trade on standard servers but tradable on the Free Trade servers will be Heirloom on Oakwynd. 

Everquest is wholly owned by Daybreak and Fippy Darkpaw games with whom I have no fiduciary affiliation. All trademarks of the game and server are theirs.  

NOTE: I may add more information or clarifications to this page in the days to come. On my ToDo list is figureing out the 'era' of the armors from the components, fixing the links I missed (or copy/pasta'ed to the wrong one), and adding a table for the non-imbued. Also, I do not claim to be an expert in anything other than being me. My information here is slanted to my own perceptions and/or biases. I might also be missing key information. If you know of things I am missing, please comment. 

Deity, Race, and Class and how that effects Starting City location and Cultural items

Such a long title! Very complicated tables below...

For all Cultural armor and other items, only one born of the race (no illusion) can craft the item. Often the crafting has to be done in a specific tradeskill station and has a high trivial (skill closer to or over the trivial is recommended to reduce chance of failure). Cloth/Silk and Leather is made with Tailoring. Chain and Plate is made with Smithing. Armor created by a specific race is noted in parens. Oddly, some races, other than just half elves, don't make their armor and for some pieces the armor can't be worn by the race that makes it. 

Information on the deities themselves: https://everquest.fandom.com/wiki/Deities

"Old" Cultural Armor for Classic Races

Old Cultural armor have a specific colour for each set. Prior to armor dye (LoY) this is one way to have a unified 'look'. Sadly, my sources were very unclear on what era each of the armors is from likely because the pages were created long before TLPs and also long after the items were added to game and not revisited later. One of my main base sources is http://www.eqtraders.com/articles/article_page.php?article=g181&menustr=030000000000 as well as 'Zam and EQTraders for each item.

The first set of races are the originals available with Classic. Classes added to those races are also included but noted as such

I intend to add an era indicator later, but for now, the trivial is the clue:

  • < 200 : Possibly craftable in Classic
  • 200-250 : Possibly craftable in Kunark or Velious
  • 300+ : likely not craftable until sometime post PoP

Some races can wear armor crafted by another race. The race that crafts the armor is in parens. Most non-imbued / non-blessed variants of the armor is not restricted to a single deity and may thus be worn by Agnostic characters. However, the non-imbued / non-blessed varieties have more lower stats.To keep the tables from getting too massive, those races/classes that can wear a much larger number of armors aren't listed in the race tables. I intend to add a table with the non-imbued later.

The starting cities are also noted on these tables to help with deity selection as well. Most races have a single starting city. Humans and Half-Elves have the most choices for stating city, generally based on the deity plus class.The cities with several parts are condensed to just the single City designation (i.e. North Qeynos, South Qeynos, and Qeynos Aquaduct are all just Qeynos).

Reference links in the tables are to the chest armor piece for EQTraders Corner (EQTC) and 'Zam (ZAM). EQTraders link will show the materials needed to make the item; some may be obtainable pre-Velious.

NOTE: Some armor has the same name but is different based on enchantment, blessing, imbuing, etc. I have tried to get the links right in the tables. Armor added for classes/race added after launch may not be craftable until those races/classes enter the game.  

On "Live" servers (non-TLP) and on TLPs  after The Serpent Spine is unlocked, all races can alternatively start in Crescent Reach. On Live servers, Crescent Reach is the default and the only option for Free to Play accounts.


Barbarian start with three class choices in Classic. Beastlord and Beserker is added with GoD. All Barbarians start in Halas regardless of deity choice.


ClassDeityArmorColourLinks Trivial
Bristlebanenone n/a n/an/a
TribunalArtificer's Ringmail (BAR)192/192/255EQTC/ZAM335
Imbued Northman Ring (BAR)185/185/250EQTC/ZAM162
Agnostic * * **
TribunalArtificer's Ringmail (BAR)80/80/80EQTC/ZAM335
Imbued Northman Ring (BAR)185/185/250EQTC/ZAM162
Rallos ZekOgre Imbued Splint (OGR)0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM168
TribunalHelanic Tundra (BAR)80/80/80EQTC/ZAM335
Imbued Northman Ring (BAR)185/185/250EQTC/ZAM162
Agnostic * * **
Added SoL
Mithaniel Marrnone n/a n/an/a
TribunalBlack Lace-Boned (BAR)20/20/20 EQTC/ ZAM335
Added GoD
Rallos ZekOgre Imbued Splint (OGR)0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM168
TribunalArtificer's Ringmail (BAR)808080EQTC/ZAM335
Imbued Northman Ring (BAR)185/185/250EQTC/ZAM162
Agnostic * * **

Dark Elf / Teir'Dal

 Teir'dal start in Neriak even if they don't follow Innoruuk.

Innoruuk Teir`Dal Adamantite Breastplate (DEF) 1/1/35EQTC/ZAM188
Imbued Teir`Dal Chain (DEF) 50/0/50 EQTC/ZAM168
Dark Prince Regent (DEF) 0/2/72 EQTC/ZAM335
Innoruuk Imbued Teir'Dal Chain (DEF)50/0/50EQTC/ZAM168
Dark Prince Sovereign (DEF)0/2/72EQTC/ZAM335
Agnostic Enchanted Teir`Dal Chain (DEF)50/0/50EQTC/ZAM168
Teir'Dal Chainmail (DEF)50/0/50EQTC/ZAM148
Teir'Dal Sovereign (DEF)0/2/72EQTC/ZAM335
Innoruuk Imbued Teir'Dal Chain (DEF)50/0/50EQTC/ZAM168
Dark Prince Sovereign (DEF)0/2/72EQTC/ZAM335
Agnostic Enchanted Teir`Dal Chain (DEF)50/0/50EQTC/ZAM168
Teir'Dal Chainmail (DEF)50/0/50EQTC/ZAM148
Teir'Dal Sovereign (DEF)0/2/72EQTC/ZAM335
Innoruuk Imbued Teir'Dal Chain (DEF)50/0/50EQTC/ZAM168
Dark Prince Sovereign (DEF)0/2/72EQTC/ZAM335
Innoruuk Imbued Teir'Dal Chain (DEF)50/0/50EQTC/ZAM168
Bristlebane Imbued Dwarven Chain (DWF)120/70/40EQTC/ZAM155
Agnostic ****
Innoruuk Teir'Dal Adamantite (DEF 1/1/45EQTC/ZAM242
Imbued Teir`Dal Chain (DEF) 50/0/50 EQTC/ZAM168
Dark Prince Regent (DEF) 0/2/72 EQTC/ZAM335
InnoruukTeir'Dal Adamantite (DEF 1/1/45EQTC/ZAM242
Imbued Teir`Dal Chain (DEF) 50/0/50 EQTC/ZAM168
Dark Prince Regent (DEF) 0/2/72 EQTC/ZAM335
Rallos Zek Fierce Heraldic (HUM)128/ 0/0EQTC/ZAM335
Agnostic ****
Innoruuk Imbued Teir'Dal Chain (DEF)50/0/50EQTC/ZAM168
Dark Prince Sovereign (DEF)0/2/72EQTC/ZAM335
Solusek Ro nonen/an/an/a
Agnostic Enchanted Teir`Dal Chain (DEF)50/0/50EQTC/ZAM168
Teir'Dal Chainmail (DEF)50/0/50EQTC/ZAM148
Teir'Dal Sovereign (DEF)0/2/72EQTC/ZAM335


Dwarves start in Kaladim regardless of deity choice.

Brell Serillis Imbued Dwarven Chain (DWF)120/70/40EQTC/ZAM 155
Dwarven Plate (DWF)80/50/15EQTC/ZAM 255
Imbued Dwarven Plate (DWF)80/50/15EQTC/ZAM 242
Underfoot Platemail (DWF)100/0/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Brell Serillis Imbued Dwarven Chain (DWF)120/70/40EQTC/ZAM 155
Dwarven Plate (DWF)80/50/15EQTC/ZAM 255
Imbued Dwarven Plate (DWF)80/50/15EQTC/ZAM 242
Underfoot Platemail (DWF)100/0/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Brell Serillis Imbued Dwarven Chain (DWF) 120/70/40EQTC/ZAM 155
Underfoot Chainmail (DWF)100/0/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Bristlebane Imbued Dwarven Chain (DWF) 120/70/40EQTC/ZAM 155
Mischievous Chainmail (DWF) 120/0/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Agnostic * ** *
Brell Serillis Imbued Dwarven Chain (DWF)120/70/40EQTC/ZAM 155
Dwarven Plate (DWF)80/50/15EQTC/ZAM 255
Imbued Dwarven Plate (DWF)80/50/15EQTC/ZAM 242
Underfoot Platemail (DWF)100/0/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Agnostic * ** *
Added GoD
Brell SerillisImbued Dwarven Chain (DWF) 120/70/40EQTC/ZAM 155
Bristlebane Imbued Dwarven Chain (DWF) 120/70/40EQTC/ZAM 155
Agnostic * * * *


The most intellectual of all the races, Erudite come from the continent of Odus, having been led there by Erud. But, Erudites are not a united race. Erudin is a the shining city of good while Paineel is a city of evil. Necromancers, Shadow Knights, and Clerics following Cazic-Thule start in Paineel, all others start in Erudin.

Cazic-Thule Paineel Fulvous Steelweave (ERU) 192/ 181/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Imbued Steelsilk (ERU) 38/10/7EQTC/ZAM 268
Ogre Imbued Splint (OGR) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM168
Prexus Erudin Neriad's Steelweave (ERU) 0/0/192EQTC/ZAM 335
Imbued Steelsilk (ERU)80/150/200EQTC/ZAM 268
Quellious Erudin
Serene Steelweave (ERU) 255/255/128EQTC/ZAM 335
Imbued Steelsilk (ERU) 175/175/100EQTC/ZAM 268
Prexus Erudin Serene Woven Platinum (ERU)255/255/128EQTC/ZAM 335
Quellious Erudin
Neriad's Woven Platinum (ERU)0/0/192EQTC/ZAM 335
Agnostic Erudin
Woven Platinum (ERU) 255/255/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Prexus Erudin Serene Woven Platinum (ERU)255/255/128EQTC/ZAM 335
Quellious Erudin
Neriad's Woven Platinum (ERU)0/0/192EQTC/ZAM 335
Agnostic Erudin
Woven Platinum (ERU) 255/255/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Cazic-Thule PaineelFulvous Woven Platinum (ERU) 192/181/ 0EQTC/ZAM 335
Prexus Erudin Neriad's Steelweave (ERU) 0/0/192EQTC/ZAM 335
Imbued Steelsilk (ERU)80/150/200EQTC/ZAM 268
Quellious Erudin
Serene Steelweave (ERU) 255/255/128EQTC/ZAM 335
Imbued Steelsilk (ERU) 175/175/100EQTC/ZAM 268
Shadow Knight
Cazic-ThulePaineelFulvous Steelweave (ERU) 192/ 181/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Imbued Steelsilk (ERU) 38/10/7EQTC/ZAM 268
Ogre Imbued Splint (OGR) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM168
Prexus Erudin Serene Woven Platinum (ERU)255/255/128EQTC/ZAM 335
Quellious Erudin
Neriad's Woven Platinum (ERU)0/0/192EQTC/ZAM 335
Solusek Ro Erudin
none n/an/a n/a
Agnostic Erudin
Woven Platinum (ERU) 255/255/0EQTC/ZAM 335


The smalleest of all the races, gnomes are also the most mechanically inclined in their city of of clockwork devices and steam power. All gnomes regardless of deity start in Ak'anon.


Brell Serillis Imbued Dwarven Chain (DWF)120/70/40EQTC/ZAM 155
Dwarven Plate (DWF)80/50/15EQTC/ZAM 255
Imbued Dwarven Plate (DWF)80/50/15EQTC/ZAM 242
Underfoot Platemail (DWF)100/0/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Bristlebane Imbued Dwarven Chain (DWF) 120/70/40EQTC/ZAM 155
Mischievous Platemail (DWF)40/0/128 EQTC/ZAM 335
Bertoxxulous none n/an/an/a
Brell Serillis none n/an/an/a
Agnostic none n/an/an/a
Bertoxxulous none n/an/an/a
Brell Serillis none n/an/an/a
Agnostic none n/an/an/a
Bertoxxulousnone n/an/an/a
Brell Serillis Imbued Dwarven Chain (DWF)120/70/40EQTC/ZAM 155
Underfoot Chainmail (DWF)100/0/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Bristlebane Imbued Dwarven Chain (DWF) 120/70/40EQTC/ZAM 155
Mischievous Chainmail (DWF) 120/0/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Agnostic ****
Brell Serillis Imbued Dwarven Chain (DWF)120/70/40EQTC/ZAM 155
Dwarven Plate (DWF)80/50/15EQTC/ZAM 255
Imbued Dwarven Plate (DWF)80/50/15EQTC/ZAM 242
Underfoot Platemail (DWF)100/0/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Rallos Zek Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 90/20/0EQTC/ZAM 155
Fierce Heraldic (HUM) 128/ 0/ 0 EQTC/ZAMn/a
Bertoxxulous nonenan/an/a
Brell Serillis nonenan/an/a
Solusek Ro nonenan/an/a
Agnostic none nan/an/a
Added SoL
Brell Serillis Imbued Dwarven Chain (DWF)120/70/40EQTC/ZAM 155
Dwarven Plate (DWF)80/50/15EQTC/ZAM 255
Imbued Dwarven Plate (DWF)80/50/15EQTC/ZAM 242
Underfoot Platemail (DWF)100/0/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Shadow Knight
Added SoL
Bertoxxulous nonenan/an/a

Half Elf

Half-elves are not able to make any of the armors but can wear  armors associated with the deity they follow made by other "pure" races. Aside from humans, Half-elves have the most options for classes and deities. Half-elves also have three starting cities determined by their deity choice.

Brell SerillisFreeport
Erollisi Marr Freeport
Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 200/100/80EQTC/ZAM 222
Radiant Heraldic (HUM) 255/197/121EQTC/ZAM 335
Karana Qeynos
Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 70/100/100EQTC/ZAM 222
Thunderous Heraldic (HUM) 0/100/15EQTC/ZAM 335
Imbued Vale Reinforced (HFL) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 228
Imbued Vale Studded (HFL)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Mithaniel Marr Freeport

Imbued Field Plate (HUM)200/190/110EQTC/ZAM 222
Luminant Heraldic (HUM)255/197/121EQTC/ZAM 335
Prexus Freeport
Neriad's Steelweave (ERU) 0/0/192EQTC/ZAM 335
Quellious Freeport
Serene Steelweave (ERU) 255/255/128EQTC/ZAM 335
Rallos Zek Freeport
Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 90/20/0EQTC/ZAM 222
Fierce Heraldic (HUM)128, 0, 0EQTC/ZAM 335
Rodcet Nife Qeynos

Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 180/240250EQTC/ZAM 222
Salubrious Heraldic (HUM) 255/128/128EQTC/ZAM 335
Solusek Ro Freeport
none n/a n/an/a
Tribunal Freeport
Imbued Northman Ring (BAR)185/185/250EQTC/ZAMn/a
Helanic Tundra (BAR)192/192/255EQTC/ZAM335
Tunare Freeport
Imbued Elven Chain (HIE) 140/225/250EQTC/ZAM 167
Imbued Mithril Studded (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Imbued Mithril Reinforced (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 228
Blessed Full Mithril (HIE) 0/100/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Imbued Koada'Dal Mithril (HIE) 0/200/250EQTC/ZAM 242
Veeshan Freeport
Dragonkin Heraldic (HUM) 242/200/242EQTC/ZAM 335
Agnostic Freeport
* ***

Karana Surefall GladeImbued Vale Reinforced (HFL) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 228
Imbued Vale Studded (HFL)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Stormreaper Boned (HFL) 0/100/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Tunare Kelethin

Surefall Glade
Imbued Elven Chain (HIE) 140/225/250EQTC/ZAM 167
Imbued Mithril Studded (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Imbued Mithril Reinforced (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 228
Tunarean Soldier (ELF)0/100/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Erollisi MarrFreeport
Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 200/100/80EQTC/ZAM 222
Radiant Heraldic (HUM) 255/197/121EQTC/ZAM 335
Karana Qeynos
Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 70/100/100EQTC/ZAM 222
Thunderous Heraldic (HUM) 0/100/15EQTC/ZAM 335
Imbued Vale Reinforced (HFL) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 228
Imbued Vale Studded (HFL)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Stormreaper Steelwoven (HFL) 0/100/0 EQTC/ZAM 335
Mithaniel Marr Freeport
Imbued Field Plate (HUM)200/190/110EQTC/ZAM 222
Luminant Heraldic (HUM)255/197/121EQTC/ZAM 335
Rodcet Nife Qeynos
Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 180/240250EQTC/ZAM 222
Salubrious Heraldic (HUM) 255/128/128EQTC/ZAM 335
Tunare Felwithe
Imbued Elven Chain (HIE) 140/225/250EQTC/ZAM 167
Imbued Mithril Studded (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Imbued Mithril Reinforced (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 228
Blessed Full Mithril (HIE) 0/100/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Imbued Koada'Dal Mithril (HIE) 0/200/250EQTC/ZAM 242

KaranaSurefall GladeImbued Vale Reinforced (HFL) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 228
Imbued Vale Studded (HFL)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Stormreaper Chain (HFL)0/100/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Tunare Kelethin

Surefall Glade
Imbued Elven Chain (HIE) 140/225/250EQTC/ZAM 167
Imbued Mithril Studded (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Imbued Mithril Reinforced (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 228
Tunarean Scout (ELF) 172/255/139EQTC/ZAM 335
BertoxxulousQeynos none n/an/an/a
Bristlebane Freeport
Imbued Dwarven Chain (DWF) 120/70/40EQTC/ZAM 155
Mischievous Chainmail (DWF) 120/0/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Erollisi Marr Freeport none n/an/an/a
Karana Qeynos
Imbued Vale Reinforced (HFL) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 228
Imbued Vale Studded (HFL)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Rodcet Nife Qeynos none n/an/an/a
Tunare KelethinImbued Elven Chain (HIE) 140/225/250EQTC/ZAM 167
Imbued Mithril Studded (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Imbued Mithril Reinforced (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 228
Agnostic Freeport
* * * *
BertoxxulousQeynos Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 60/0/0EQTC/ZAM 245
Fetid Heraldic (HUM) 64/0/64EQTC/ZAM 335
Erollisi Marr Freeport
Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 200/100/80EQTC/ZAM 222
Radiant Heraldic (HUM) 255/197/121EQTC/ZAM 335
Teir'Dal Adamantite (DEF 1,1,45EQTC/ZAMn/a
Imbued Teir`Dal Chain (DEF) 50/0/50 EQTC/ZAMn/a
Dark Prince Regent (DEF) 0/2/72 EQTC/ZAMn/a
Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 20/0/15EQTC/ZAM 222
Hateful Heraldic (HUM) 250/141/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Karana Qeynos
Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 70/100/100EQTC/ZAM 222
Thunderous Heraldic (HUM) 0/100/15EQTC/ZAM 335
Imbued Vale Reinforced (HFL) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 228
Imbued Vale Studded (HFL)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Mithaniel Marr Freeport

Imbued Field Plate (HUM)200/190/110EQTC/ZAM 222
Luminant Heraldic (HUM)255/197/121EQTC/ZAM 335
Prexus Freeport
Neriad's Steelweave (ERU) 0/0/192EQTC/ZAM 335
Rallos Zek Freeport
Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 90/20/0EQTC/ZAM 222
Fierce Heraldic (HUM)128, 0, 0EQTC/ZAM 335
Ogre Imbued Splint (OGR)0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 268
Rodcet Nife Qeynos

Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 180/240250EQTC/ZAM 222
Salubrious Heraldic (HUM) 255/128/128EQTC/ZAM 335
Tribunal Freeport
Imbued Northman Ring (BAR)185/185/250EQTC/ZAMn/a
Helanic Tundra (BAR)192/192/255EQTC/ZAM335
Tunare Kelethin
Imbued Elven Chain (HIE) 140/225/250EQTC/ZAM 167
Imbued Mithril Studded (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Imbued Mithril Reinforced (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 228
Blessed Full Mithril (HIE) 0/100/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Imbued Koada'Dal Mithril (HIE) 0/200/250EQTC/ZAM 242
Agnostic Freeport
* ***


Halflings are the second smallest race. No matter the deity choice, all Halflings start in Rivervale.


Bristlebane Imbued Dwarven Chain (DWF) 120/70/40EQTC/ZAM 155
Mischievous Platemail (DWF)40/0/128 EQTC/ZAM 335
Karana Imbued Vale Reinforced (HFL) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 228
Imbued Vale Studded (HFL)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Stormreaper Boned (HFL) 0/100/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Brell Serillis Imbued Dwarven Chain (DWF)120/70/40EQTC/ZAM 155
Underfoot Chainmail (DWF)100/0/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Bristlebane Imbued Dwarven Chain (DWF) 120/70/40EQTC/ZAM 155
Mischievous Chainmail (DWF) 120/0/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Agnostic ****
Brell Serillis Imbued Dwarven Chain (DWF)120/70/40EQTC/ZAM 155
Dwarven Plate (DWF)80/50/15EQTC/ZAM 255
Imbued Dwarven Plate (DWF)80/50/15EQTC/ZAM 242
Underfoot Platemail (DWF)100/0/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Rallos Zek Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 90/20/0EQTC/ZAM 155
Fierce Heraldic (HUM) 128/ 0/ 0 EQTC/ZAMn/a
Karana Imbued Vale Reinforced (HFL) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 228
Imbued Vale Studded (HFL)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Stormreaper Chain (HFL)0/100/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Karana Imbued Vale Reinforced (HFL) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 228
Imbued Vale Studded (HFL)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122

High Elves

High elves all start in the city of Felwithe regardless of deity choice.

Tunare Imbued Elven Chain (HIE)140/225/250EQTC/ZAM 167
Imbued Mithril Studded Leather (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Imbued Mithril Reinforced (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 228
Blessed Full Mithril (HIE)0/100/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Imbued Koada'Dal Mithril (HIE) 0/200/250EQTC/ZAM 242
Erollisi Marr nonen/an/an/a
Karana nonen/an/an/a
Mithaniel Marr nonen/an/an/a
Tunare Imbued Elven Chain (HIE)140/225/250EQTC/ZAM 167
Blessed Artkeeper's (HIE) 0/100/15EQTC/ZAM 335
Agnostic ****
Erollisi Marr nonen/an/an/a
Karana nonen/an/an/a
Mithaniel Marr nonen/an/an/a
Tunare Imbued Elven Chain (HIE)140/225/250EQTC/ZAM 167
Blessed Artkeeper's (HIE) 0/100/15EQTC/ZAM 335
Agnostic ****
TunareImbued Elven Chain (HIE)140/225/250EQTC/ZAM 167
Imbued Mithril Studded Leather (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Imbued Mithril Reinforced (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 228
Blessed Full Mithril (HIE)0/100/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Imbued Koada'Dal Mithril (HIE) 0/200/250EQTC/ZAM 242
Erollisi Marr nonen/an/an/a
Karana nonen/an/an/a
Mithaniel Marr nonen/an/an/a
Solusek Ro nonen/an/an/a
Tunare Imbued Elven Chain (HIE)140/225/250EQTC/ZAM 167
Blessed Artkeeper's (HIE) 0/100/15EQTC/ZAM 335
Agnostic ****


Humans have the most variety of classes and start in one of three cities depending on their class and diety choice.


Brell SerillisFreeport
Erollisi Marr Freeport
Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 200/100/80EQTC/ZAM 222
Radiant Heraldic (HUM) 255/197/121EQTC/ZAM 335
Karana Qeynos
Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 70/100/100EQTC/ZAM 222
Thunderous Heraldic (HUM) 0/100/15EQTC/ZAM 335
Imbued Vale Reinforced (HFL) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 228
Imbued Vale Studded (HFL)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Mithaniel Marr Freeport

Imbued Field Plate (HUM)200/190/110EQTC/ZAM 222
Luminant Heraldic (HUM)255/197/121EQTC/ZAM 335
Prexus Freeport
Neriad's Steelweave (ERU) 0/0/192EQTC/ZAM 335
Quellious Freeport
Serene Steelweave (ERU) 255/255/128EQTC/ZAM 335
Rallos Zek Freeport
Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 90/20/0EQTC/ZAM 222
Fierce Heraldic (HUM)128, 0, 0EQTC/ZAM 335
Rodcet Nife Qeynos

Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 180/240250EQTC/ZAM 222
Salubrious Heraldic (HUM) 255/128/128EQTC/ZAM 335
Solusek Ro Freeport
none n/a n/an/a
Tribunal Freeport
Imbued Northman Ring (BAR)185/185/250EQTC/ZAMn/a
Helanic Tundra (BAR)192/192/255EQTC/ZAM335
Tunare Freeport
Imbued Mithril Studded (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Imbued Mithril Reinforced (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 228
Veeshan Freeport
Dragonkin Heraldic (HUM) 242/200/242EQTC/ZAM 335
Agnostic Freeport
* ***
Bertoxxulous Qeynos Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 60/0/0EQTC/ZAM 245
Fetid Heraldic (HUM) 64/0/64EQTC/ZAM 335
Erollisi Marr FreeportImbued Field Plate (HUM) 200/100/80EQTC/ZAM 222
Radiant Heraldic (HUM) 255/197/121EQTC/ZAM 335
Innoruuk Freeport
Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 20/0/15EQTC/ZAM 222
Hateful Heraldic (HUM) 250/141/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Dark Prince Regent (DEF) 0/2/72 EQTC/ZAMn/a
Karana Qeynos
Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 70/100/100EQTC/ZAM 222
Thunderous Heraldic (HUM) 0/100/15EQTC/ZAM 335
Imbued Vale Reinforced (HFL) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 228
Imbued Vale Studded (HFL)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Mithaniel Marr Freeport
Imbued Field Plate (HUM)200/190/110EQTC/ZAM 222
Luminant Heraldic (HUM)255/197/121EQTC/ZAM 335
Rodcet Nife Qeynos
Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 180/240250EQTC/ZAM 222
Salubrious Heraldic (HUM) 255/128/128EQTC/ZAM 335
Karana Surefall GladeImbued Vale Reinforced (HFL) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 228
Imbued Vale Studded (HFL)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Stormreaper Boned (HFL) 0/100/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Tunare Surefall Glade Imbued Mithril Studded (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Imbued Mithril Reinforced (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 228
Tunarean Soldier (ELF)0/100/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Bertoxxulous Qeynos nonen/an/an/a
Erollisi Marr Freeport nonen/an/an/a
Innoruuk FreeportDark Prince Sovereign (DEF)0/2/72EQTC/ZAM 335
Karana Qeynos nonen/an/an/a
Mithaniel Marr Freeport nonen/an/an/a
Rodcet Nife Qeynos nonen/an/an/a
Agnostic Freeport
* * * *
Bertoxxulous Qeynos nonen/an/an/a
Erollisi Marr Freeport nonen/an/an/a
Innoruuk FreeportDark Prince Sovereign (DEF)0/2/72EQTC/ZAM 335
Karana Qeynos nonen/an/an/a
Mithaniel Marr Freeport nonen/an/an/a
Rodcet Nife Qeynos nonen/an/an/a
Agnostic Freeport
Quellious Freeport none n/a n/a n/a
Agnostic Qeynos
* * * *
Bertoxxulous Qeynos none n/a n/a n/a
Innoruuk Freeport
Dark Prince Sovereign (DEF) 0/2/72 EQTC/ZAM 335
Erollisi Marr FreeportImbued Field Plate (HUM) 200/100/80EQTC/ZAM 222
Radiant Heraldic (HUM) 255/197/121EQTC/ZAM 335
Karana Qeynos
Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 70/100/100EQTC/ZAM 222
Thunderous Heraldic (HUM) 0/100/15EQTC/ZAM 335
Imbued Vale Reinforced (HFL) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 228
Imbued Vale Studded (HFL)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Stormreaper Steelwoven (HFL) 0/100/0 EQTC/ZAM 335
Mithaniel Marr Freeport
Imbued Field Plate (HUM)200/190/110EQTC/ZAM 222
Luminant Heraldic (HUM)255/197/121EQTC/ZAM 335
Rodcet Nife Qeynos
Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 180/240250EQTC/ZAM 222
Salubrious Heraldic (HUM) 255/128/128EQTC/ZAM 335
Karana Surefall GladeImbued Vale Reinforced (HFL) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 228
Imbued Vale Studded (HFL)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Stormreaper Chain (HFL)0/100/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Stormreaper Chain (HFL)0/100/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Tunare Surefall Glade
Imbued Mithril Studded (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Imbued Mithril Reinforced (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 228
Tunarean Scout (ELF) 172/255/139EQTC/ZAM 335
Bertoxxulous Qeynos none n/an/an/a
Bristlebane Freeport
Imbued Dwarven Chain (DWF) 120/70/40EQTC/ZAM 155
Erollisi Marr Freeport none n/an/an/a
Innoruuk Freeport none n/an/an/a
Karana Qeynos
Imbued Vale Reinforced (HFL) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 228
Imbued Vale Studded (HFL)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Rodcet Nife Qeynos none n/an/an/a


* * * *
Shadow Knight
Bertoxxulous Qeynos Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 60/0/0EQTC/ZAM 245
Fetid Heraldic (HUM) 64/0/64EQTC/ZAM 335
Innoruuk Freeport
Dark Prince Regent (DEF) 0/2/72 EQTC/ZAMn/a
Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 20/0/15EQTC/ZAM 222
Hateful Heraldic (HUM) 250/141/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Bertoxxulous Qeynos Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 60/0/0EQTC/ZAM 245
Fetid Heraldic (HUM) 64/0/64EQTC/ZAM 335
Erollisi Marr Freeport
Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 200/100/80EQTC/ZAM 222
Radiant Heraldic (HUM) 255/197/121EQTC/ZAM 335
Innoruuk Freeport Dark Prince Regent (DEF) 0/2/72 EQTC/ZAMn/a
Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 20/0/15EQTC/ZAM 222
Hateful Heraldic (HUM) 250/141/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Mithaniel Marr Freeport

Imbued Field Plate (HUM)200/190/110EQTC/ZAM 222
Luminant Heraldic (HUM)255/197/121EQTC/ZAM 335
Rallos Zek Freeport
Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 90/20/0EQTC/ZAM 222
Fierce Heraldic (HUM)128, 0, 0EQTC/ZAM 335
Ogre Imbued Splint (OGR)0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 268
Rodcet Nife Qeynos

Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 180/240250EQTC/ZAM 222
Salubrious Heraldic (HUM) 255/128/128EQTC/ZAM 335
Agnostic Freeport
* ***
Bertoxxulouscity nonen/an/an/a
Erollisi Marr city nonen/an/an/a
Innoruuk city
Dark Prince Sovereign (DEF)0/2/72EQTC/ZAMn/a
Karana city nonen/an/an/a
Mithaniel Marr city nonen/an/an/a
Rodcet Nife city nonen/an/an/a
Solusek Ro city nonen/an/an/a
Agnostic city * * * *


One of the largest races, Ogres start in Ogguk regardless of deity choice. 

Shadow Knight
Cazic-Thule Imbued Ogre War (OGR) 80/20/0EQTC/ZAM 242
Ogre Imbued Splint (OGR) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 268
Fulvous Darksplint (OGR) 182/150/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Fulvous Darkscale (OGR) 192/181/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Rallos Zek Imbued Ogre War (OGR) 80/20/0 EQTC/ZAM 242
Ogre Imbued Splint (OGR) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 268
Crimson Darkscale (OGR) 100/0/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Rallos Zek Ogre Imbued Splint (OGR) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 268
Crimson Darksplint (OGR)100/0/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Cazic-Thule Imbued Ogre War (OGR) 80/20/0EQTC/ZAM 242
Ogre Imbued Splint (OGR) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 268
Fulvous Darksplint (OGR) 182/150/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Fulvous Darkscale (OGR) 192/181/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Rallos Zek Imbued Ogre War (OGR) 80/20/0 EQTC/ZAM 242
Ogre Imbued Splint (OGR) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 268
Crimson Darkscale (OGR) 100/0/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Fierce Heraldic (HUM) 128, 0, 0 EQTC/ZAM 335
Agnostic ****

Added SoL
Rallos Zek none n/a n/a n/a

Added GoD
Cazic-Thule Ogre Imbued Splint (OGR) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 268
Fulvous Darksplint (OGR) 182/150/0 EQTC/ZAM 335
Rallos Zek Ogre Imbued Splint (OGR) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 268
Agnostic * * * *


The tallest of all the races, until Legacy of Ykesha (LoY), Trolls start in Grobb. After LoY for several expansions, they start in Neriak. 

Shadow Knight
Cazic-Thule Imbued Ogre War (OGR) 80/20/0EQTC/ZAM 242
Ogre Imbued Splint (OGR) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 268
Fulvous Darksplint (OGR) 182/150/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Fulvous Darkscale (OGR) 192/181/0EQTC/ZAM 335
InnoruukBlackened Darkscale (OGR)20/20/20EQTC/ZAM 335
Cazic-Thule Ogre Imbued Splint (OGR) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 268
Fulvous Darksplint (OGR) 182/150/0 EQTC/ZAM 335
Innoruuk Blackened Darksplint (OGR)20/20/20EQTC/ZAM 335
Cazic-Thule Imbued Ogre War (OGR) 80/20/0EQTC/ZAM 242
Ogre Imbued Splint (OGR) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 268
Fulvous Darksplint (OGR) 182/150/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Fulvous Darkscale (OGR) 192/181/0EQTC/ZAM 335
InnoruukBlackened Darkscale (OGR)20/20/20EQTC/ZAM 335
Rallos Zek Fierce Heraldic (HUM) 128, 0, 0 EQTC/ZAM 335
Agnostic * * * *

Added SoL
Cazic- Thule none n/a n/a n/a
Innoruuk none n/a n/a n/a

Added GoD
Cazic-Thule Ogre Imbued Splint (OGR) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 268
Fulvous Darksplint (OGR) 182/150/0 EQTC/ZAM 335
Innoruuk none n/a n/a n/a
Rallos Zek Ogre Imbued Splint (OGR) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 268
Agnostic * * * *

Wood Elf

Wood elves start in Kelethin, a city high in the trees of Greater Faydark forest. Be careful not to fall off the edge. Shouldn't they have railings on those platforms and steep walkways? And the suspension bridges swaying in the breeze, nightmare fuel for those who have issues with heights.
Brell Serillisnonen/an/an/a
Erollisi Marr Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 200/100/80EQTC/ZAM 222
Karana Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 70/100/100EQTC/ZAM 222
Imbued Vale Reinforced (HFL) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 228
Imbued Vale Studded (HFL)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Mithaniel Marr Imbued Field Plate (HUM)200/190/110EQTC/ZAM 222
Prexus none n/a n/a n/a
Quellious none n/a n/a n/a
Rallos Zek Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 90/20/0EQTC/ZAM 222
Fierce Heraldic (HUM)128, 0, 0EQTC/ZAM 335
Rodcet Nife Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 180/240250EQTC/ZAM 222
Solusek Ro none n/a n/an/a
Tribunal none n/a n/a n/a
Tunare Imbued Elven Chain (HIE) 140/225/250EQTC/ZAM 167
Imbued Mithril Studded (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Imbued Mithril Reinforced (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 228
Blessed Full Mithril (HIE) 0/100/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Imbued Koada'Dal Mithril (HIE) 0/200/250EQTC/ZAM 242
Veeshan Dragonkin Heraldic (HUM) 242/200/242EQTC/ZAM 335
Agnostic * ***
Tunare Imbued Elven Chain (HIE) 140/225/250EQTC/ZAM 167
Imbued Mithril Studded (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Imbued Mithril Reinforced (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 228
Tunarean Soldier (ELF)0/100/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Tunare Imbued Elven Chain (HIE) 140/225/250EQTC/ZAM 167
Imbued Mithril Studded (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Imbued Mithril Reinforced (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 228
Tunarean Scout (ELF) 172/255/139EQTC/ZAM 335
Bristlebane Imbued Dwarven Chain (DWF) 120/70/40EQTC/ZAM 155
Karana Imbued Vale Reinforced (HFL) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 228
Imbued Vale Studded (HFL)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Tunare Imbued Elven Chain (HIE) 140/225/250EQTC/ZAM 167
Imbued Mithril Studded (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Imbued Mithril Reinforced (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 228
Agnostic * * * *
Karana Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 70/100/100EQTC/ZAM 222
Imbued Vale Reinforced (HFL) 0/0/0 EQTC/ZAM 228
Imbued Vale Studded (HFL)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Rallos Zek Imbued Field Plate (HUM) 90/20/0EQTC/ZAM 222
Fierce Heraldic (HUM)128, 0, 0EQTC/ZAM 335
Tunare Imbued Elven Chain (HIE) 140/225/250EQTC/ZAM 167
Imbued Mithril Studded (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 122
Imbued Mithril Reinforced (ELF)0/0/0EQTC/ZAM 228
Blessed Full Mithril (HIE) 0/100/0EQTC/ZAM 335
Imbued Koada'Dal Mithril (HIE) 0/200/250EQTC/ZAM 242
Agnostic * ***

"Old" Cultural Armor for Races added after Classic

Three races are added after Classic. I'll add each before the expansion that adds them.

"New" Cultural Armor 

Since  this is long after Classic, I will add these later :)