Recently, I have started writing up a series of posts with helpful hits for a new or returning player or just a player needing a brush up on something they haven't yet done.
These can all be found under the tag "Everquest Novice".
I'm not doing these in any particular sequence other than when I think of something else I want to pass along to someone who has just started playing the game.
If you find them helpful, please feel free to leave a comment.
If you think something needs more clarification, please feel free to leave a comment.
If you think there is something more I need to cover in that area, please leave a comment.
If there is a topic you want to see covered in my particular style, please please leave a comment.
If you hate my style of explaining things, well... please leave a comment but please also be constructive as to why or what you think I could be doing better.
These are not meant to lead anyone by the hand, though I do try to assume a novice player doesn't have any clue about the Everquest UI and it's sometimes arcane controls and settings that are a bit different (and sometimes dodgy) compared to other games.
These are also not meant to superseded any other "tutorials" or guides written by others. Some are quite excellent and I do link to ones I have found useful (and even some not as useful), but there are many different ways to explain things and sometimes one style is easier to follow for someone than another. For myself, there are times I have read and re-read a guide (not just for gaming) with little understanding only to get the AH-HA! moment with a different presentation that makes the other guide not only make sense but be very illuminating for complex things.
In all things, I am not and never have been an employee of Daybreak or SOE or Darkpaw or any other company associated with Everquest or the entire franchise. The Intellectual property of the games is theirs as is all trademarks, copywrites, etc. of any specifically game-related stuff. The game studio's legal page is a marvell to behold:
I am merely a player who is too wordy for her own good.