EQ TLP Diary: Inventory Management on a TLP (Oakwynd - Updated)


Inventory management or how am I possibly going to hoard all the stuff I loot or make?  

This will be my first TLP, but I did play early EQ from SoL (Shadows of Luclin) to just before GoD (Gates of Discord) before returning to the game fully in mid-2020 (I returned for a few weeks here and there in the intervening years). While I was playing in the early days, shared bank space was added as well as an increase in inventory and bank space. Each increase was a great boon and relief. When I returned in 2020, storage space had increased exponentially and a couple more changes to expand even more after my return. So, going to TLP from Live is going to be a bit of an adjustment. 

From my research on what we will have on a TLP and when: https://rijacki-game.blogspot.com/2023/04/eq-tlp-diary-oakwynd-pre-launch-so-when.html, some of the inventory basics:

 At Classic Launch:
  • 8 Inventory slots
  • 16 Personal bank slots
  • 2 Shared bank slots + shared Plat
  • Dragon's Hoard (requires unlock for the account)
  • Tradeskill Depot (requires unlock for the account)
  • Coin has no weight
  • Monk: weight limits increased
  • Stackable items
  • Stack sizes for many things has increased to 1000
  • Nobles
  • Parcels 
  • Bag sizes not limited to 10 max* (only DB purchased bags are greater than 10 slots in early game, larger craftable, looted, quested, achievement, etc. are in later expansions)

Paid expansions: 

  • PERK: Merchant Perk grants 2 extra Inventory slots (and, when Bazaar is available with SoL, the ability to use 12-slot Trader bags)

Later additions: 

  • DoN: Guild Bank
  • PoR: +8 Personal Bank slots
  • CotF: +2 Shared Bank slots
  • TBL: +2 Shared Bank slots

I like big bags and I cannot lie

Bags, bags, and more bags. Each inventory slot and each bank slot, including the two shared slots can have a bag which expands the storage capacity. Some bags have weight reduction which allow the character (especially the weak casters) to carry more of that precious loot to a merchant or the bank. Some bags also limit the size of items that will fit in them. Giant bags hold anything which small bags only hold small items. Bag is a general term that also encompases boxes, crates, toolboxes, quivers, etc.

Some of the information here is gleaned from: http://paullynch.org/eqguide/guides/bags/ as well as Zam and EQ Traders Corner.

You can open all bags at the same time with a keypress (shift-B as default) and close them, too. You can rearrange the open bags on your screen to be able to see all their contents. When you open them all again, they should be in the same spot.  Or you can open them one by one. 

If you want to sell the 'sellable' contents of the bag, hold down CTL when you click the Sell button on the merchant window.

Specialty bags

Some bags have specialty purpose. 

  • Quivers: Only arrows can be placed in a quiver. The quiver does take up an inventory slot and not the ammo slot, but if you have an arrow in the ammo slot that's the same as those in the quiver, it will automatically be replenished from the quiver.
  • Tradeskill: These bags can generally hold any item (within size restrictions) but can only be used to make stuff if they're empty (to use recipes) or only have the specific items for 'experiment'. If you click on the bag to open the tradeskill UI, you can select a recipe and Combine, or click Experiment to put items in individually and hit combine (this is also how you learn most recipes for most crafted items, when you first make a successful combine you learn the recipe). To make something from a recipe, you need the required components in your inventory but not in that tradeskill container. Anyone can carry tradskill containers even if they have no ability to use that skill. (For example, only Shaman can learn Alchemy but any class can carry medicine bags, the container for alchemy combines. When a non-shaman opens the bag, they will get a message saying they can't use it to make things.)

Merchant bought

Most bags you can buy from a merchant or that are rare-ish drops in the low level zones are two to eight slots and generally have no weight reduction. Also, the smaller the capacity of the bag the more restrictive it will be on the size of objects that will fit in it. Some Tradeskill container 'bags' are 10-slots and hold giant which makes them great for bank bags.

Later when the Loyalty merchant is added to Plane of Knowledge (GoD), each month there is a different large capacity bag for sale for Loyalty coins.

Best merchant bought bags in Classic

Container WR Slots Capacity Cost
Mixing Bowl (portable)
0% 4*
1s Most Baking merchants, can be crafted
*On Classic TLP only 3 slots/large :(
Large Sewing Kit
0% 8 Giant 1p5s Most Tailoring merchants
Deluxe Toolbox 0% 10 Giant 1p1g2c Rylin Coil in Ak'anon
Bag of the Tinkerers
100% 10 Giant 5250p Gnome vendor in Solusek Eye (Sol A)


Crafted bags generally have some amount of weight reduction and are, in Classic, slightly larger than the merchant bought versions but also with size restrictions. Bags with more capacity, more weight reduction, and no size restrictions (i.e. giant) are added in much later expansions. House of Thule increased the maximum bag size from 10 to... well... even crafted on Live can get to 20+ slots. Most crafted bags are made using Tailoring. 

Best crafted bags in Classic

Container WR Slots Capacity Trivial Hide
Reinforced Medicine Bag 10% 10 Giant 68 Thick Grizzly Bear Skin EQTC
Hand Made Backpack 10% 10 Large 88 High Quality Bear SkinEQTC
Mixing Bowl
0% 10 Large 128
(crafted by Pottery)

The Hand Made Backpack also has several colour variants that might be craftable in Classic: http://www.eqtraders.com/search/search.php. They are identical in size/capacity/weight reduction to the basic Hand Made Backpack other than colour which can make inventory management easier. 


While most of the bags that drop in the low level zones are 2-8 slots and no weight reduction, there are also some rare bags that drop in various locations in Norrath and beyond. The NPC that drops the container can also be rare. Some of these items are also required by quests. 

Note: This list may be incomplete.

Drop Containers in Classic

Container WR Slots Capacity Target
Lionhide Backpack 35% 8
Large Groi Gutblade in South Karana  Zam
Light Burlap Sack
65% 8 Large a ghoul supplier in Lower Guk
Bag of Sewn Evil-Eye
70% 8 Large an evil eye in Lower Guk
Large Soiled Bag
100% 10
a guano harvester in Nagafen's Lair
Driftwood Treasure Chest
100% 10
Giant a ferocious hammerhead in Kedge Keep
Darkwood Trunk
100% 10
Giant Dread/Fright/Terror in Plane of Fear
bag % 0 Small place Zam
bag % 0 Small place Zam


In later expansions, several of the achievements reward sizable containers. 

Still looking for information on Classic quests that have bag rewards....

Quested Containers in Classic

Container WR Slots Capacity Quest
Forager Bag
50% 10 Medium The Emmissary in Oggok




Marketplace (DB coin or $$)

Containers are available both in the Marketplace (for DB coin) and the EQ website (for $$). The bags might be sold in addition with other items in a pack. Items sold for DB coin go to the character who bought them but are Heirloom. I assume the ones bought in packs are also Heirloom.

Interestingly, the bags for sale in the Marketplace are different on Live and Agnarr. Live has more selection with bigger bags, but also higher price.

Expansions booty and /claim

At various times there have been bags included in the Collectors Edition and Premium Edition of expansions as well as for various promotions. These will usually end up in the /claim window which is available on TLP as well. Some items in the /claim might not be available until the server has reached a specific expansion. Items in red cannot be claimed on the current character with because they were claimed before or are not yet available.

Claim items which are not a character unlock (such as Hero's Forge) are often Heirloom. Non-consumable claim items, like bags, can usually only be claimed once per character no matter how many claim of the item is available. But, like all lore items, if you put one in the shared bank, you can claim another on that character. But you cannot move it around in the bank if you have one in your own inventory, too.

Additional Inventory Space Features

Claws of Veeshan and Night of Shadows, two very recent expansions, added Dragon's Hoard and Tradeskill Depot to the bank. Both of these are also usable in a TLP on an account where they are unlocked.

Dragon's Hoard

If you specifically purchased the Claws of Veeshan expansion, it came with a bank space like an additional 125 slot bag in the personal bank space. Those accountswho did not purchase the expansion can unlock the feature via the DB Marketplace. However it's unlocked, the Hoard can be expanded with additional unlockers from the DB Marketplace. 


The Dragon's Hoard can hold nearly any item: Lore, No Trade, stackable, quest, etc. The Dragon's Hoard is an account-wide unlocker with the space available on every character on every server, including TLP of an unlocked account.

Tradeskill Depot

If you specifically purchased the Night of Shadows expansion, it came with a shared bank space of an additional 250+ slot bag that can only holds tradeskill stackable items. Each stack, though, can hold significantly more than a normal stack (30K?) and the space can be expanded with additional unlockers.

Since NoS is still the current expansion (at the time of writing this), the unlock is still only available by purchasing the expansion. However, it will likely have an unlock on the Marketplace after, like the Dragon's Hoard and keyrings added in previous expansions.

But wait, there's more. When you are using a tradeskill station (portable or placed) and are making an item from a recipes, you can choose to have the items in the depot be used so you don't need to get them from the bank first.